[In the Media] “Japan should follow US efforts to develop new antibiotics” (NIKKEI ASIA, ...>>
[Event Report] The Sixth Meeting of the AMR Consortium of the Nikkei FT Communicable Dis ...>>
[Event Report] The Fourth Meeting of Working Group 2 Under the Sub-committee on AMR of t ...>>
[Event Report] The Second Roundtable Discussion “Examining Numeric Targets for AMR Count ...>>
[Event Report] The First Roundtable Discussion “Examining Numeric Targets for AMR Counte ...>>
[Recommendations] AMR Alliance Japan Recommendations Toward Stronger AMR Countermeasures ...>>
[Event Report] The Second Meeting of Working Group 3 Under the Sub-committee on AMR of t ...>>
[Event Report] Non-partisan Diet Member Briefing – Creating Pull Incentives to Spur the ...>>